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Vendor Opportunities!

2024 CPAO Annual Conference

October 15th & 16th

Aldersgate Retreat - Turner OR

building connections - one bridge at a time

Join Us Today!

We know every crafter and business owner has a story to tell and a passion for their creations. Share your story and passion with the CPAO community!

We’re welcoming vendors to showcase their amazing products. As a vendor, you will be part of a rewarding day where you will get the opportunity to be in front of hundreds of conference participants to display, discuss and sell your merchandise.

This event is open to all types of vendors and individuals who make or sell their own items. We would love you to join us!

$100 - Agency

Business that sells several products made by individuals with disabilities will be provided with one 6-foot table to display and sell products or items. Includes lunch for 2 on October 15th.

$50 - Vendor

Business that is not sponsoring but sells a product of interest to our attendees. Includes lunch for 1 on October 15th.

$25 - Friend of CPAO

DSPs or others associated with our field who make or produce products by hand will be provided with one 6-foot table to display and sell products or items. Includes lunch for 1 on October 15th.

Free - Self Advocate

Individual with disability who makes or produces an item for sale will be provided with one 6-foot table to display and sell products or items. Self Advocates and Support Person can stay overnight at no charge.


Need more information? Contact:
Jessica Leitner
[email protected]