A membership in CPAO is an investment in your organization.
Enriching the lives of people with disabilities.
Become a Member.
Community Providers Association of Oregon (CPAO) is an active and accomplished organization that serves our members through advocacy, education, networking and representation. Membership in CPAO helps your organization formulate and implement policies, best practices and innovations.
CPAO employs an experienced, professional lobbyist who represents the interests of providers with the legislature as well as with state and local agencies. Members are kept current with what’s happening in Salem and are provided opportunities for effective and timely interaction with legislators. As an influential and respected voice in Oregon, CPAO successfully sponsors legislation and initiatives that benefits both our members and the individuals we support.
CPAO connects its members with current issues. We provide cost effective training and educational opportunities for both administrators and direct support professionals that promotes best practices. Trainings are developed to reflect the interests and needs of our members. Our annual conference keeps providers informed of the latest trends, innovations and legal and regulatory developments.. .
Activities such as monthly member meetings, focus committees and our annual conference allow for the exchange of ideas, innovations and strategies. Members readily mentor other members sharing their knowledge and experience. Connect and learn from other members!
CPAO is a member of the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR). ANCOR is a national, nonprofit trade association representing more than 1,600 providers. CPAO has an appointed Association Representative as well as the State of Oregon Representative so that our members are always informed and involved with ANCOR activities. For more information, visit the ANCOR website at: www.ancor.org/
Types of Memberships
Any corporation, partnership or other duly recognized entity licensed or certified by the State of Oregon to operate a community based facility or program for individuals with disabilities.
Open to
any individual that is licensed,
registered or certified
in the State of Oregon.
Open to
any corporation, partnership or otherduly recognized entity that does not meet
the definition of Provider.
The membership process is initiated upon receipt of application to the Membership Committee. The committee will determined whether or not to recommend membership to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors determines whether to pass the application on to the full membership for final approval.
Provider membership dues are based on the gross revenue from the State of Oregon for contracted services. Professional and Associate dues are based on a flat rate. Dues are paid in full annually, each January. New member dues are prorated starting the month they join.