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2024 Annual CPAO Awards

2024 CPAO Annual Awards

building connections - one bridge at a time

October 15th

4:30 pm

Aldersgate Retreat - Turner OR

Recognizing Excellence

Each year CPAO recognizes the outstanding work of our own staff and of members of the community.  We invite members to nominate potential recipients. The award categories are: Legislative, Bierberly, Spirit of CPAO, Nurse of the Year, DSP of the Year, Employment Staff of the Year and CLS/DSA DSP of the Year. Learn more about each award below. 

Legislative Award

Selected by the Legislative Committee, nominees for this award demonstrated outstanding legislative advocacy and support for those with disabilities in Oregon.

Spirit of CPAO

Selected by the Board to recognize an individual who during the previous year embodied the spirit of collaboration, partnership and resource sharing (including giving of their own time and talent).

CPAO Bierberly Award

Selected by the Board, this award is named after a past Oregon Lobbyist  who forwarded the causes of Individuals with disabilities and providers  to the legislature and the state.  This nomination is anyone who you feel forwarded the causes of Individuals with disabilities and providers this past year.

Nurse of the Year

Selected by the Retreat Committee We recognize that you have excellent DD Nurses among you that have provided you with a much-needed service and healthcare. We would like to take the opportunity at our upcoming conference to award a nurse who has gone above and beyond in serving the DD Community.

building connections - one bridge at a time

DSP of the Year

Selected by the Retreat Committee, this award recognizes one outstanding employee from across our CPAO member organizations who enriches the lives of people with disabilities through integrated, creative, community based social opportunity or skill based growth.

DSP of the Year

Selected by the Retreat Committee, this award recognizes one outstanding employee from across our CPAO member organizations who enriches the lives of people with disabilities and who embodies the values of CPAO Celebrating Diversity, Partnerships, Absolute Integrity, and Open leadership.

CPAO Employment
Staff of the Year

Selected by the Retreat Committee, this award recognizes one outstanding employee from across our CPAO member organizations who enriches the lives of people with disabilities through integrated competitive employment.